Sunday, 5 December 2010


A couple of weeks ago GG and I went to midcentury.modern, the annual fair for all things design from this era.  Apart from the weather, which was pissing it down as is typical of London, it was spectacular.

Even the location, Christison Hall at Dulwich College was spectacular. I forgot to take my camera, but you can see Dan Hill's photos from a previous fair here, and I've just discovered he also has a pretty cool blog called City of SoundCoincidentally, Dan is also Australian and based in Sydney.

So, back to the design fair.  Almost all the stalls were familiar stores who had carted their wares down for the event. It must be a nightmare to organise, moving everything in and out just for 1 day. But at £7/person entry fee, and judging from the number of 'sold' stickers on everything at the end of the day, I'd say its a pretty wise investment.

We were pretty happy to find these 2 Kaiser Idell lamps, which we've been searching for on eBay for ages.  Typically they go for about £160 (although there's 1 on ebay now from France which is going for £220!), but we got these for £80 each. 2 for the price of 1. Ours a bit beat up, but I think that adds to the charm. As did the sticker I found on the base of one of them after we got home that says £3.85.  Oh well, one man's junk...